Dental Implants |2 min read

Five reasons why patients choose dental implants for tooth replacement

Portrait of a young businessman sitting in an office with his colleagues in the backgroundWhen you spend time with friends and family, do you find yourself engaged and excited, or embarrassed due to missing teeth in your smile? Regardless of how tooth loss has occurred, it is critical that patients look and feel their best for improved self-confidence. With the help of our team at Schindler Dentistry in Columbus, Ohio, patients can choose tooth replacement options that fit their unique needs. Whenever possible, Dr. Sharon Schindler will recommend the use of a dental implant to replace one or several teeth within the smile. 

Overview of dental implants 

Dental implants are titanium screws that a dentist will put into the bone of the jaw during oral surgery. The top of the implant that sticks out above the gumline, known as the abutment, becomes the foundation for a restoration. This restoration may be a dental crown, a dental bridge, or a denture. 

Five reasons to choose dental implants 

Below are five of the top reasons why patients choose dental implants for tooth replacement: 

  • Prevention of bone loss. Dental implants maintain the natural bone of the jaw, which otherwise reduces with tooth loss. No other tooth replacement option does this.
  • Prevention of facial deterioration. When patients go without teeth, their jawbone will begin to reduce due to bone resorption. This can cause patients to experience a sunken in appearance to the jaw and chin area. Dental implants prevent this bone loss to maintain an attractive appearance.
  • Prevention of shifting teeth. Without replacements for missing teeth, the remaining teeth can shift out of place, requiring orthodontic treatment to resolve.
  • Reduced risk of periodontal disease. Spaces between teeth can be difficult to clean, allowing bacteria to accumulate and increasing one’s risk of experiencing periodontal disease. Dental implants fill these spaces to ensure easier care and cleaning.
  • Prevention of compromising adjacent teeth. Dental bridges for tooth replacement require patients to compromise surrounding teeth to support them. A dental implant is a stand-alone option that does not require the support of adjacent teeth, just the bone of the jaw.

Request an appointment at Schindler Dentistry today 

Columbus, OH area patients considering dental implants are urged to make an appointment with the team at Schindler Dentistry to find out if they are a viable candidate. Call (614) 586-0609 to request a consultation visit with our team at the office, conveniently located at 775 Yard Street, Suite #175.